My Slabbed Comics

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Issue: #3

Series: Amazing Adventures

Publisher: Marvel

Title: Amazing Adventures
Issue: 3
Page Count: 36
Publish Date: August 1961
Volume: 1

Assigned Comics

Owner: Pawwauw Comics


Owner: Pawwauw Comics


Inside This Issue:

Detailed information about the issue is listed below.

Story Title: We Were Trapped in the Twilight World! - cover
Genre:science fiction
Characters:Paul Harper; Cathy

Story Title: We Were Trapped in the Twilight World! - comic story
Genre:science fiction
Characters:Professor Barnes; Paul Harper; Cathy; Giant Flying Saucer Bird; Sabretooth Tiger; Giant Man-Ape Infant; Giant Lizard; Tyrannosaur; Dinosaur Bird; Cro-Magnon Man Cro
Synopsis:A college student and his girlfriend are transported into prehistoric times, where they discover that legends like the abominable snowman and flying saucers are the result of time anomalies.

Story Title: The Masterpiece - text story
Characters:Claude Duval; Queen's messenger Monsier Finnault; Landlady Madame Fleury
Synopsis:Claude Duval is a portrait painter of high renown. Nobility is always asking for commissions from him. He now turns them all down, saying he wants to paint a landscape that shall be a symbol of man’'s peace and contentment. He has the landlady lock him in. She is only allowed to open the door to bring him food. At the order of the queen, she is forced to unlock the door one day. The painter is gone, the portrait is finished – and a small figure reclining by a lake (in the painting) looks exactly like Claude Duval.

Story Title: The Teddy Bear - comic story
Characters:Carol; Teddy; Jim; Mountain Lion
Synopsis:As a young girl, Carol had received a teddy bear that she kept by her side always. Her husband, Jim, is a surveyor, and is assigned to a rough rocky region for a short period. Jim spots some mountain lions tracks, and, gun in hand, goes off after the beast; however, the mountain lion knocks Jim aside, damaging his gun, and heads for the tent where Carol is asleep. When Jim reaches the tent the mountain lion is dead and the teddy bear has some inexplicable scratches on it. Jim no longer criticizes Carol for wanting to take the bear everywhere.

Story Title: Doctor Droom Meets Zemu! - comic story
Characters:Dr. Anthony Droom [later retroactively renamed Doctor Druid]; Magician Zemu [Saturn Warrior]; Saturn Leader
Synopsis:Zemu appears to be a stage magician of incredible prowess. His name is on everyone's lips. Zemu announces he is running for governor. Dr. Droom not only discovers that Zemo is a fraud, but also is an alien from Saturn, bent on paving the way for an alien invasion. Dr. Droom overpowers him, hypnotizes him so that he'll reveal the truth, and turns him over to the authorities.

View this comic at Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

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